The World’s Foremost Silver Analyst Theodore Butler Predicts 1,000% Gain in Silver
FREE Silver Book
US Addresses Only

Best-selling author
James R. Cook
Tells you why the welfare state is going broke, and how to protect yourself from the worsening inflation and financial crisis.
“A shortage of silver followed by
a price explosion is inevitable.”
a price explosion is inevitable.”
– Theodore Butler
Did you know?
the best-selling Author
Back in 1978, I began to get subscription offers in the mail from a guy in California named Howard Ruff. It seemed like every other day I’d get a mailing. He was pro gold and silver, so I decided to give him a call. I got through to him right away and we had a nice conversation. However, he advised me that he had endorsed a coin dealer out east and was happy with that arrangement.
Two weeks later I got a call from a man who had done business with this other company and was upset. He had wanted to buy gold coins and had wound up with a piece of paper. The coin dealer had put him into a highly leveraged margin purchase with exorbitant commissions and interest charges. He asked if I could help him.
I called Howard Ruff and told him that one of his new subscribers had been cheated by his recommended vendor. Then I called the crooked coin dealer and brow-beat him into giving the customers money back. Then I had the customer let Howard know that I had helped him to get a refund. Howard ditched his recommended dealer and I became the fair-haired boy for gold and silver. This was an enormous stroke of good fortune for me.
Howard Ruff’s newsletter took off like a rocket ship. His subscriber base grew to over 125,000. His book became a runaway best-seller and it recommended my company Investment Rarities. His newsletter never failed to mention us as a source for gold and silver. His seminars were packed with subscribers and my top salesman was a popular speaker at them. We grew from 2 secretaries and myself in early 1978 to 300 employees in early 1980. Our sales went from a few million to $525 million at the peak in 1980.
One of Howard Ruff’s bedrock recommendations was to keep a supply of silver coins at home in case the dollar lost its purchasing power. He thought that if the dollar went kaput for a short time, silver would be immediately recognized as a temporary money replacement. It still seems like good advice.